Modern Solutions to Liver Cancer

      Liver is an important organ in the digestive system located in right upper side of abdominal cavity.
It is rightly called as -workhorse' of the body since it not only helps in digestion of consumed food, but also performs other important functions like protein synthesis, drug metabolism, excretion of body waste Which are very important for maintaining balance in body function.
Such an important organ in the body which is continuously
working is also prone for disease due to various causes like viral infection, alcohol. drugs, cancer, birth defects etc. One major
problem that occurs in Liver is Liver cancer (HCC).
Liver cancer usually occurs in a liver which is damaged due to various causes like alcohol abuse,chronic viral infections like Hepatitis B and C, congenital birth defects etc.. In only 10% cases the HCC occurs in undamaged liver. Even in children a type ofliver cancer called as
Hepatoblastoma can be seen.

Majority of cases remain asymptomatic till very late stage
as tumour tends to grow inside liver. pain in the right upper side Of abdomen, jaundice, weight loss are common symptoms in liver
cancer patients. One may have blood vomitings , abdominal
distention and severe pain abdomen in advanced cases.
Liver cancer can be diagnosed With simple blood tests like serum
AFP and ultrasound scan Of abdomen particularly in high risk individuals. Advanced diagnostic tests like CT scan. PET CT. MRI scan may be required for staging Of disease.

 Once diagnosed Liver cancer can be treated with removal of affected part of liver —called Hepatectomy.
This procedure can be done either by traditional open procedure or in select cases by Laparoscopic technique. Even in
children, suffering from hepato blastoma, major hepatectomy operations are done with minimal complication.
In some cases which are not amenable for resection, patient
can be offered cure by Liver transplantation where by the affected Liver is completely removed and replaced by healthy liver procured from a donor.

National Institute of Gastroenterology Doctors are internationally trained surgeons and the place has well equipped high end facilities like state-of-the-an operation theaters and other infra structure to cure problems of the digestive system. It has eminent man power to handle these kind of cases. Quality medical care available here.
Even in advanced liver cancer which is not amenable for either
resection or transplantation relief can be Offered by Microwave
ablation technique where by the tumour is ablated by this
 advanced technology without operative procedure. In this
procedure, a probe is placed into the tumour and the tumour
is dissolved by tie heatwaves generated by the microwave
machine. This has the advantage of minimal pain to the patients and
It can be performed even in tumour which are close to major blood
vessels in the liver. The microwave ablation can be done even when
there are multiple tumours in the liver. patient can be discharged
Within 24 hours Of the procedure. Other palliative procedures like TACE and TARE can be Offered in select cases to improve the quality Of life Of the patient. In these procedures, high Ose chemo therapy and radiation are directly delivered into the cancer areas, which will help in
reducing the tumour burden with minimal side effects to the other
parts of the body.

More importantly Liver damage and liver cancer can be prevented
to some extent by adopting healthy life style. alchol avoidance
and vaccination for hepatitis B. Liver cancer can be cured if
treated early by adopting advanced technology and expertise. Even in advanced cases palliation can be offered by modem techniques  like Microwave ablation.


Surgical Gastroenterologist &
Liver Transplantation Surgeon
Director, National Institute Of
Gastroenterobgy and Liver Diseases
Phone: 98664 58511 


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